Machine Learning Raster Matrix Algebra part 1 In geoinformatics, a raster image is a dot matrix data structure that represents a (generally) rectangular grid of pixels. Most satellite images are stored into a raster file format at some part of the processing chain. GeoTiff and JPG2000 are examples of raster file formats that can have a specific
Forestry Errors related to the automatized satellite-based change detection of boreal forests in Finland Terramonitor took part in a Finnish government head project related to detecting changes in boreal forests during 2016-2019. Time series change detection.The project was executed by Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Finnish Forest Centre, Finnish Environment Institute and Terramonitor. Examples of clear-cut and thinning detection.Some
Earth observation If algorithms could talk, part 1 Currently thousands of earth observation satellites are sending data to the surface around the clock. My goal is to make the most out of that data. This story is about one of my recent projects. In the following example case, the goal was to produce a cloudless view of a
AI Finnish Space Data Company Terramonitor Released a Finland-Wide VESA Index for Shrub Detection​ Terramonitor, a space economy forerunner, released VESA Index, the most extensive artificial intelligence shrub detection service in Finland.
Machine Learning Featured Combining geospatial data with Terramonitor and neural networks A central goal of Terramonitor is to provide easily accessible and up-to-date satellite imagery. There is no one specific use case on how to utilize our data, but rather a world of possibilities. I set out to explore a possible scenario, combining Terramonitor with an external dataset and applying machine