We joined a Hedimed- consortium in early 2019 to take part in EU Horizon 2020 -application process. The project got thru the evaluation led by the University of Tampere and gor the funding decision by the European Commission. In the project consortium is studying exposome determinants, driving the rapid increase of immune-mediated diseases of type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, allergy & asthma. Hedimed-project is carried out between 2020-2024.
This Wednesday we had a first consortium meeting and kick-off day in Tampere Hall with about 80 participants from 21 partners and 12 countries. Most of the participants are medical doctors and scientists but also data analytics and other experts like us.
So what do we do in the project? Terramonitor joined the consortium as satellite data expert. We will provide satellite data processing and geographical information on large areas for the consortium to study the correlation of the environment to these diseases. In the previous studies, it has been discovered that certain type of vegetation may have a link to the prevalence of certain diseases on a regional basis.
For Terramonitor, it’s inspiring to join the new field in medical research. It is also a great example of an innovative interdisciplinary approach that also takes into account the impact of the environment on disease occurrence and exposure, even from a space perspective.

For more information
Joni Norppa, CEO, Terramonitor
Official press release from Tampere University can be read from: https://www.tuni.fi/en/news/finnish-led-international-study-examines-impact-habitat-development-type-1-diabetes-celiac
Official Twitter-account for HEDIMED: https://twitter.com/HEDIMED2020