Terramonitor Analysis Ready - 4 examples of use cases

Terramonitor Analysis Ready product is a cloudless mosaic of preprocessed satellite data with 10-band multi-spectral data. The images used for mosaic are atmospherically corrected and radiometrically calibrated. The product is suitable for different use cases such as analyzing and monitoring land areas, vegetation, forests, and calculating indices. Below are represented four different use cases of the Analysis Ready product.
1. Land cover classification
Area of interest: Dordrecht in the Netherlands
Time of interest: The growing season in 2019
Method: Unsupervised classification (K-means)
2. Monitoring forests - detecting clear cuts
Area of interest: Pinezhsky District in Russia
Time of interest: The growing seasons in 2018 and 2019
Method: Change map between the years 2018 and 2019

3. Calculating indices - monitoring vegetation
Area of interest: Nonant-le Pin in France
Time of interest: The growing season in 2019
Method: Calculating the following indices
- NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index): Monitor green vegetation, calculated by using NIR (near-infrared) and red spectral bands
- CIg (Chlorophyll Index green): Estimate the chlorophyll content in leaves, calculated by using NIR and green spectral bands
- NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index): Monitor changes in water content of leaves, calculated by using NIR and SWIR (short-wave infrared) spectral bands

4. 3D visualization
Area of interest: Feldkirch in Austria
Time of interest: The growing season in 2019
Method: QGIS 3D Map View, read a previous blog post about 3D modeling with Terramonitor here

Read more about technical specifications of Terramonitor Analysis Ready product:

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